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IBMQ Executor

This quantum executor accesses IBM Quantum backends through Pennylane's "qiskit.ibmq" device. IBMQExecutor introduces thread-based parallelism for circuit execution on the "qiskit.ibmq" device. Note that the more efficient QiskitExecutor is recommended over IBMQExecutor for production use.

1. Installation

The IBMQ executor is included with Covalent. No additional installation is required.

2. Usage Example

Using IBMQExecutor requires specifying an IBM Quantum backend through the backend argument. The ibmqx_token is required if not specified in the configuration (see next section).

import covalent as ct
import pennylane as qml

# IBMQ executor that uses "ibmq_qasm_simulator" (default).
ibmq_qasm = ct.executor.IBMQExecutor()

# IBMQ executor that uses the "ibmq_lima" QPU.
ibmq_lima = ct.executor.IBMQExecutor(

@ct.qelectron(executors=[ibmq_qasm, ibmq_lima])
@qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2, shots=1024), interface="jax")
def circuit(x):
qml.IQPEmbedding(features=x, wires=[0, 1])
return qml.probs(wires=range(2))

As a QElectron, the circuit can be called either normally or asynchronously using circuit.run_later(). With the default "cyclic" selector, circuit calls will alternate between the executors, [ibmq_qasm, ibmq_lima].

A synchronous example is shown below.

>>> print(circuit([0.5, 0.1]))  # ibmq_qasm_simulator

DeviceArray([0.51660156, 0.00097656, 0.4814453 , 0.00097656], dtype=float32)

>>> print(circuit([0.5, 0.1])) # ibmq_lima

DeviceArray([0.5048828 , 0.00195312, 0.49316406, 0. ], dtype=float32)

>>> print(circuit([0.5, 0.1])) # ibmq_qasm_simulator (again)

DeviceArray([0.5097656 , 0.00292969, 0.4873047 , 0. ], dtype=float32)

Doing this asynchronously:

>>> x = [0.6, -1.57]

>>> # Queue jobs for all three circuit calls simultaneously on IBM Quantum.
>>> # Uses same executor order as above (qasm, lima, qasm, ...).
>>> futs = [circuit.run_later(x) for _ in range(3)]

>>> # Wait for all circuits to finish.
>>> [fut.result() for fut in futs]

[DeviceArray([0.51660156, 0.00097656, 0.4814453 , 0.00097656], dtype=float32),
DeviceArray([0.5048828 , 0.00195312, 0.49316406, 0. ], dtype=float32),
DeviceArray([0.5097656 , 0.00292969, 0.4873047 , 0. ], dtype=float32)]

3. Overview of Configuration

The IBMQExecutor configuration is found under [qelectron.IBMQExecutor] in the Covalent configuration file.

ConfigIs RequiredDefaultDescription
backendYesibm_qasm_simulatorThe name of an IBM Quantum system or simulator.
ibmqx_tokenYes/NoAn access token obtained from IBM Quantum. Required for non-local execution.
hubNoibm-qHub name for IBM Quantum.
groupNoopenGroup name for IBM Quantum.
projectNomainProject name for IBM Quantum.

4. Required Cloud Resources

In order to access IBM backends, users must acquire an access token from IBM Quantum. This can be done by creating a free account on the IBM Quantum Experience.

pydantic model covalent.executor.IBMQExecutor


A quantum executor that uses the Pennylane native 'qiskit.ibmq' device to run circuits on IBM Quantum backends. The attributes backend, ibmqx_token, hub, group, and project are taken from the Covalent configuration file by default, if available.

Keyword Arguments


The maximum number of jobs that can be submitted to the backend concurrently. This number corresponds to the number of threads utilized by this executor. Defaults to 20.


The number of shots to use for the execution device. Overrides the shots value from the original device if set to None or a positive int. The shots setting from the original device is used by default when this argument is 0.


The name of the IBM Quantum backend device. Defaults to 'ibmq_qasm_simulator'.


The IBM Quantum API token.


An IBM Quantum hub name. Defaults to 'ibm-q'.


An IBM Quantum group name. Defaults to 'open'.


An IBM Quantum project name. Defaults to 'main'.

Show JSON Schema
"title": "IBMQExecutor",
"description": "A quantum executor that uses the Pennylane native :code:`\"qiskit.ibmq\"` device to run\ncircuits on IBM Quantum backends. The attributes :code:`backend`, :code:`ibmqx_token`,\n:code:`hub`, :code:`group`, and :code:`project` are taken from the Covalent\nconfiguration file by default, if available.\n\nKeyword Args:\n max_jobs: The maximum number of jobs that can be submitted to the backend\n concurrently. This number corresponds to the number of threads utilized\n by this executor. Defaults to 20.\n shots: The number of shots to use for the execution device. Overrides the\n :code:`shots` value from the original device if set to :code:`None` or\n a positive :code:`int`. The shots setting from the original device is\n is used by default, when this argument is 0.\n backend: The name of the IBM Quantum backend device. Defaults to\n :code:`\"ibmq_qasm_simulator\"`.\n ibmqx_token: The IBM Quantum API token.\n hub: An IBM Quantum hub name. Defaults to :code:`\"ibm-q\"`.\n group: An IBM Quantum group name. Defaults to :code:`\"open\"`.\n project: An IBM Quantum project name. Defaults to :code:`\"main\"`.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"persist_data": {
"title": "Persist Data",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"qnode_device_import_path": {
"title": "Qnode Device Import Path",
"type": "array",
"minItems": 2,
"maxItems": 2,
"items": [
"type": "string"
"type": "string"
"qnode_device_shots": {
"title": "Qnode Device Shots",
"type": "integer"
"qnode_device_wires": {
"title": "Qnode Device Wires",
"type": "integer"
"pennylane_active_return": {
"title": "Pennylane Active Return",
"type": "boolean"
"device": {
"title": "Device",
"default": "default.qubit",
"type": "string"
"num_threads": {
"title": "Num Threads",
"default": 10,
"type": "integer"
"max_jobs": {
"title": "Max Jobs",
"default": 20,
"type": "integer"
"shots": {
"title": "Shots",
"default": 0,
"type": "integer"
"backend": {
"title": "Backend",
"type": "string"
"ibmqx_token": {
"title": "Ibmqx Token",
"type": "string"
"hub": {
"title": "Hub",
"type": "string"
"group": {
"title": "Group",
"type": "string"
"project": {
"title": "Project",
"type": "string"


extra: EXTRA = allow

field backend: str [Optional]


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field group: str [Optional]


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field hub: str [Optional]


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field ibmqx_token: str [Optional]


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field max_jobs: int = 20


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field project: str [Optional]


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field shots: int = 20


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