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Source code for qiskit_plugin

# Copyright 2023 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (the "License").
# A copy of the License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License. Any
# modifications or derivative works of this file must retain this copyright
# notice, and modified files must contain a notice indicating that they have
# been altered from the originals.
# Covalent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details.
# Relief from the License may be granted by purchasing a commercial license.

import asyncio
import time
from typing import Optional, Union

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.tape.qscript import QuantumScript
from pydantic import Field

from covalent._shared_files.config import get_config
from covalent.experimental.covalent_qelectron.executors.base import (
from covalent.experimental.covalent_qelectron.executors.plugins.qiskit_plugin.local_sampler import QiskitLocalSampler
from covalent.experimental.covalent_qelectron.executors.plugins.qiskit_plugin.runtime_sampler import QiskitRuntimeSampler
from covalent.experimental.covalent_qelectron.executors.plugins.qiskit_plugin.utils import RuntimeOptions
from covalent.experimental.covalent_qelectron.shared_utils import import_from_path

__all__ = [


"IBMQExecutor": {
"backend": "ibmq_qasm_simulator",
"ibmqx_token": "",
"hub": "ibm-q",
"group": "open",
"project": "main",

"QiskitExecutor": {
"device": "local_sampler",
"backend": "ibmq_qasm_simulator",
"ibmqx_token": "",
"hub": "ibm-q",
"group": "open",
"project": "main",
"options": {
"optimization_level": 3,
"resilience_level": 1,

"local_sampler": QiskitLocalSampler,
"sampler": QiskitRuntimeSampler,

class IBMQExecutor(BaseThreadPoolQExecutor):
A quantum executor that uses the Pennylane native :code:`"qiskit.ibmq"` device to run
circuits on IBM Quantum backends. The attributes :code:`backend`, :code:`ibmqx_token`,
:code:`hub`, :code:`group`, and :code:`project` are taken from the Covalent
configuration file by default, if available.

Keyword Args:
max_jobs: The maximum number of jobs that can be submitted to the backend
concurrently. This number corresponds to the number of threads utilized
by this executor. Defaults to 20.
shots: The number of shots to use for the execution device. Overrides the
:code:`shots` value from the original device if set to :code:`None` or
a positive :code:`int`. The shots setting from the original device is
is used by default, when this argument is 0.
backend: The name of the IBM Quantum backend device. Defaults to
ibmqx_token: The IBM Quantum API token.
hub: An IBM Quantum hub name. Defaults to :code:`"ibm-q"`.
group: An IBM Quantum group name. Defaults to :code:`"open"`.
project: An IBM Quantum project name. Defaults to :code:`"main"`.


max_jobs: int = 20
shots: int = 0

backend: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["IBMQExecutor"]["backend"]
ibmqx_token: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["IBMQExecutor"]["ibmqx_token"]
hub: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["IBMQExecutor"]["hub"]
group: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["IBMQExecutor"]["group"]
project: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["IBMQExecutor"]["project"]

def batch_submit(self, qscripts_list):

# Check `self.shots` against 0 to allow override with `None`.
device_shots = self.shots if self.shots != 0 else self.qnode_device_shots

p = get_thread_pool(self.max_jobs)
jobs = []
for qscript in qscripts_list:
dev = qml.device(

result_obj = QCResult.with_metadata(

jobs.append(p.submit(self.run_circuit, qscript, dev, result_obj))

return jobs

class QiskitExecutor(AsyncBaseQExecutor):
A quantum executor that lets the user run circuits on IBM Quantum backends,
using runtime sessions and Qiskit primitives. The attributes :code:`device`,
:code:`backend`, :code:`ibmqx_token`, :code:`hub`, :code:`group`, and
:code:`project` are taken from the Covalent configuration file by default, if

Keyword Args:
device: The Qiskit primitive used to execute circuits. Valid values are
:code:`"sampler"` and :code:`"local_sampler"`. The value :code:`"sampler"`
corresponds to the Qiskit Runtime :code:`Sampler` primitive. The value
:code:`"local_sampler"` corresponds to the Qiskit :code:`Sampler` primitive,
which is entirely local.
backend: The name of the IBM Quantum backend device. Defaults to
ibmqx_token: The IBM Quantum API token.
hub: An IBM Quantum hub name. Defaults to :code:`"ibm-q"`.
group: An IBM Quantum group name. Defaults to :code:`"open"`.
project: An IBM Quantum project name. Defaults to :code:`"main"`.
shots: The number of shots to run per circuit. Defaults to 1024.
single_job: Indicates whether or not all circuits are submitted
to a single job or as separate jobs. Defaults to :code:`True`.
max_time: An optional time limit for circuit execution on the IBM Quantum
backend. Defaults to :code:`None`, i.e. no time limit.
local_transpile: Indicates whether or not to transpile circuits before
submitting to IBM Quantum. Defaults to :code:`False`.
ibmqx_url: An optional URL for the Qiskit Runtime API.
channel: An optional channel for the Qiskit Runtime API. Defaults to
instance: An alternate means to specify :code:`hub`, :code:`group`, and
:code:`project`, formatted as :code:`"my-hub/my-group/my-project"`.
cloud_instance: Same as :code:`instance` but for the case :code:`channel="ibm_cloud"`.
options: A dictionary of options to pass to Qiskit Runtime. See
:code:`qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.Options` for valid fields.

device: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["QiskitExecutor"]["device"]
backend: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["QiskitExecutor"]["backend"]
ibmqx_token: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["QiskitExecutor"]["ibmqx_token"]
hub: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["QiskitExecutor"]["hub"]
group: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["QiskitExecutor"]["group"]
project: str = Field(
default_factory=lambda: get_config("qelectron")["QiskitExecutor"]["project"]

shots: Optional[int] = 1024
single_job: bool = False
local_transpile: bool = False

max_time: Union[int, str] = None

ibmqx_url: str = None
channel: str = "ibm_quantum"
instance: str = ""
cloud_instance: str = ""

options: RuntimeOptions = Field(
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
default_factory=lambda: RuntimeOptions(

def device_init_kwargs(self):
Keyword arguments to pass to the device constructor.
return {
"wires": self.qnode_device_wires,
"shots": self.qnode_device_shots or self.shots,
"backend_name": self.backend,
"local_transpile": self.local_transpile,
"max_time": self.max_time,
"single_job": self.single_job,
"options": self.options or {},
"service_init_kwargs": {
'ibmqx_token': self.ibmqx_token,
'ibmqx_url': self.ibmqx_url,
'instance': self.instance,
'cloud_instance': self.cloud_instance,
'hub': self.hub,
'project': self.project

def execution_device(self) -> qml.QubitDevice:
Create a subclasses execution device that ensure correct output typing.

# Initialize a custom Pennylane device
dev = _execution_device_factory(

# Set `pennylane.active_return()` status
dev.pennylane_active_return = self.pennylane_active_return
return dev

def batch_submit(self, qscripts_list):

qscripts_list = list(qscripts_list)

loop = get_asyncio_event_loop()
tasks = []

if self.single_job:
# All QScripts are submitted as a single job

# initialize a custom Pennylane device
dev = self.execution_device()

# initialize a result object
result_obj = QCResult.with_metadata(device_name=dev.short_name, executor=self)

# run qscripts asynchronously
task = loop.create_task(self.run_all_circuits(qscripts_list, dev, result_obj))
# Each QScript is submitted as a separate job
for qscript in qscripts_list:
# initialize a custom Pennylane device
dev = self.execution_device()

# initialize a result object
result_obj = QCResult.with_metadata(device_name=dev.short_name, executor=self)

# run qscripts asynchronously
task = loop.create_task(self.run_circuit(qscript, dev, result_obj))

return tasks

async def run_circuit(self, tape, device, result_obj: QCResult): # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed
Allows a circuit to be submitted asynchronously.

start_time = time.perf_counter()
results = qml.execute([tape], device, None)

await asyncio.sleep(0)

results, metadatas = device.post_process(tape, results)
end_time = time.perf_counter()

result_obj.results = results
result_obj.execution_time = end_time - start_time

return result_obj

async def run_all_circuits(self, tapes, device, result_obj: QCResult): # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed
Allows multiple circuits to be submitted asynchronously into a single
IBM Qiskit Runtime Job.

start_time = time.perf_counter()
results = qml.execute(tapes, device, None)

await asyncio.sleep(0)

results, metadatas = device.post_process_all(tapes, results)
end_time = time.perf_counter()

result_obj.results = results
result_obj.execution_time = end_time - start_time

return result_obj

def _execution_device_factory(device_name: str, qnode_device_cls, **kwargs):
Creates a subclassed Pennylane device to ensure correct output typing.
custom_device_cls = _DEVICE_MAP.get(device_name)
if not custom_device_cls:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Qiskit primitive device '{device_name}'.")

class _QiskitExecutionDevice(custom_device_cls, qnode_device_cls):
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

pennylane_active_return: bool = True

Wrapper that inherits from a Pennylane device class to extend the custom
Pennylane-Qiskit device with any device-specific overridden methods.
def stopping_condition(self):
Needed to target :code:`support_operation` method of :code:`custom_device_cls`.

NOTE: is identical to `pennylane._device.Device.stopping_condition`.
return qml.BooleanFn(
lambda obj: not isinstance(obj, QuantumScript) and self.supports_operation(

return _QiskitExecutionDevice(**kwargs)