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Customizing the Configuration

If $COVALENT_CONFIG_DIR is defined in the user environment then the Covalent global configuration file is stored at $COVALENT_CONFIG_DIR/covalent.conf. Otherwise, the configuration is in ~/.config/covalent/covalent.conf.

You can view and update the global configuration from a notebook. Updates are applied to the global configuration file.


Use the shell to determine the file path the Covalent configuration file:

$ ls -l ~/.config/covalent/covalent.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 test1 staff 1405 Jan 2 14:05 /home/user/.config/covalent/covalent.conf


  1. Retrieve the configuration as a Python dict by using the Covalent get_config() function:
import covalent as ct
{'sdk': {'config_file': '/Users/mini-me/.config/covalent/covalent.conf',
'log_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent/test',
'log_level': 'error',
'enable_logging': 'true',
'executor_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.config/covalent/executor_plugins',
'no_cluster': 'false'},
'dispatcher': {'address': 'localhost',
'port': 48008,
'cache_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent',
'results_dir': 'results',
'log_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent',
'db_path': '/Users/mini-me/.local/share/covalent/dispatcher_db.sqlite'},
'dask': {'cache_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent',
'log_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent',
'mem_per_worker': 'auto',
'threads_per_worker': 1,
'num_workers': 8,
'scheduler_address': 'tcp://',
'dashboard_link': '',
'process_info': "<DaskCluster name='LocalDaskCluster' parent=12559 started>",
'pid': 12561,
'admin_host': '',
'admin_port': 51915},
'workflow_data': {'storage_type': 'local',
'base_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.local/share/covalent/workflow_data'},
'user_interface': {'address': 'localhost',
'port': 48008,
'dev_port': 49009,
'log_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent'},
'executors': {'local': {'log_stdout': 'stdout.log',
'log_stderr': 'stderr.log',
'cache_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent'},
'remote_executor': {'poll_freq': 15,
'remote_cache': '.cache/covalent',
'credentials_file': ''},
'dask': {'log_stdout': 'stdout.log',
'log_stderr': 'stderr.log',
'cache_dir': '/Users/mini-me/.cache/covalent'}}}
  1. Retrieve individual settings by specifying them in the get_config() function:
ct.get_config(["dispatcher.address", "dispatcher.port"])
{'dispatcher.address': 'localhost', 'dispatcher.port': 48008}
  1. Set configuration parameters using the Covalent set_config() function:
ct.set_config("sdk.enable_logging", "false")
  1. You can set multiple configuration parameters by passing them in a dictionary to the set_config function:
"sdk.enable_logging": "true",
"sdk.log_level": "debug"
  1. Of course, you can edit the config file directly. If you edit the config file, reload it into a Python environment using the Covalent reload_config() function:
$ covalent restart
Covalent server has stopped.
Covalent server has started at http://localhost:48008

$ cat ~/.config/covalent/covalent.conf
config_file = "/home/user/.config/covalent/covalent.conf"
log_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent/test"
log_level = "debug"
enable_logging = "true"
executor_dir = "/home/user/.config/covalent/executor_plugins"
no_cluster = "false"

address = "localhost"
port = 48008
cache_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent"
results_dir = "results"
log_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent"
db_path = "/home/user/.local/share/covalent/dispatcher_db.sqlite"

cache_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent"
log_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent"
mem_per_worker = "auto"
threads_per_worker = 1
num_workers = 8
scheduler_address = "tcp://"
dashboard_link = ""
process_info = "<DaskCluster name='LocalDaskCluster' parent=4210 started>"
pid = 4214
admin_host = ""
admin_port = 55996

storage_type = "local"
base_dir = "/home/user/.local/share/covalent/workflow_data"

address = "localhost"
port = 48008
dev_port = 49009
log_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent"

log_stdout = "stdout.log"
log_stderr = "stderr.log"
cache_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent"

poll_freq = 15
remote_cache = ".cache/covalent"
credentials_file = ""

log_stdout = "stdout.log"
log_stderr = "stderr.log"
cache_dir = "/home/user/.cache/covalent"