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Cancel with Confidence: Efficiently Manage Workflows in Covalent

Covalent's cancelation feature is an indispensable tool that empowers users to manage their workflows effectively, enabling them to stop any task or workflow from consuming excessive resources or taking too long to complete, thereby optimizing the use of their computing resources. While other tools focus solely on production workflows, Covalent supports research-based and production workflows, which require more flexibility and adaptability to accommodate modifications. The workflow cancelation feature is often missing in most ETL and workflow orchestrators due to their design focus on automating and managing business processes, ensuring the smooth and uninterrupted operation of predetermined workflows. However, research-based workflows require more adaptability and flexibility, making canceling workflows and tasks an essential feature. With Covalent's cancelation feature, users can take complete control of their workflows, maintain efficient workflow management, and avoid wasteful consumption of resources.

Covalent enables users to execute computation tasks on cutting-edge hardware platforms such as quantum computers, HPC clusters, GPU arrays, and cloud services, which may be costly or have limited availability. Users may have a predefined budget or a specific timeframe to complete their experiments, making it crucial to have the ability to cancel a workflow or a task to prevent unnecessary resource utilization or exceeding the allocated budget. Without the cancelation feature, users would have to wait for the computation to finish or manually terminate it, resulting in wasteful consumption of resources and time. Moreover, the ability to cancel workflows or tasks empowers researchers and developers to modify their workflows to suit their changing needs, such as adjusting the computation pipeline or input data. By offering the cancelation feature, Covalent lets users control their workflows, optimizing the use of valuable resources.

Given that Covalent supports multi-cloud execution with its executor plugins, canceling a task involves the following actions

  • Canceling tasks

    • Canceling a task may imply canceling the job being executed by a executor using remote cloud/on-prem resources
    • Interrupt the executor processing the job immediately. For instance, if a job's dependencies such as pickle callable, arguments and keyword arguments are uploaded but the backend has not yet started executing it, abort right away and do not provision any compute resources
  • Canceling dispatches

    • When a dispatch is canceled, cancel all tasks that are part of the dispatch immediately. Any tasks currently being processed will be killed immediately and any unprocessed tasks will be abandoned.
    • Cancel all post-processing task

To cancel a dispatch, the UX is quite straightforward. To cancel an entire workflow, users only need to know the dispatch_id. The following code snippet well illustrates the Covalent cancel API

import covalent as ct

dispatch_id = ct.dispatch(workflow)(args, kwargs)

# cancel the workflow

Similarly to cancel a specific set of tasks within a single dispatch, users can invoke the cancel command as follows

import covalent as ct

# dispatch_id = ct.dispatch(workflow)(args, kwargs)

# Cancel tasks 1, 3, 5 from the above dispatch
ct.cancel(dispatch_id, task_ids=[1, 3, 5])

The effect of the above cancel command would be that it will interrupt or prevent tasks 1, 3 and 5 from running and all resources (local or remote) being consumed by these tasks will be released. Moreover, all subsequent electrons dependent on the outcomes of tasks 1, 3 and 5 will also not be executed.


It is to be noted that if a node in a lattice is a sub-lattice then canceling that particular node will recursively cancel all the sub tasks within that sub-lattice. canceling individual nodes from within a sub-lattice is not supported in Covalent since the transport graphs associated with sub-lattices are dynamically built at runtime

Basic cancelation strategy

Covalent follows a very simple strategy to implement task/dispatch cancelation. Given that Covalent tasks are executed by various executors canceling a node implies stopping the executor from executing the task any further if already running. Moreover, for Covalent to cancel a task a unique job handle assigned to that task by the executor is needed.

A job handle is typically assigned to the task when an executor beings processing it. Examples of unique job handles are as follows

There is a convenient one to one mapping between tasks and their job handles that get uniquely assigned by the corresponding backends.


In case of task packing when multiple electrons that use the same executor are packed and executed as a single task, this analogy gets modified from one-to-one to one-to-many

Once a unique job handle gets assigned by the remote backend for the task at hand, Covalent stores it in its local database for later retrieval and processing. Generally speaking the Covalent task ids i.e. electron identifiers in the transport graph map to a corresponding job handle that gets persisted in the database.

It is this job handle that gets used by Covalent when canceling individual tasks from a workflow. Executor plugins implement the necessary APIs to store the job handles and to cancel a task using it properly.

Implications of canceling a task

Given that Covalent now supports cancelation of tasks at a node or at the lattice level, there are few caveats to be mindful of. A task decorated with a remote executor such as AWS Batch, Slurm etc carry out several steps prior to actually executing the electron code such as pickling the electron’s function, args and kwargs, uploading the resulting pickle files to the remote destination be it an S3 bucket or the SLURM cluster’s login node, provision compute resources, fetch the remote files etc. These are a few steps that generally speaking each remote executor in Covalent performs before successfully executing the dispatched task.

Now once a workflow is dispatched, Covalent starts processing it immediately. If a user then requests a particular node to be canceled, Covalent might be performing any of the aforementioned actions at the time the cancelation requests came in. Thus canceling a particular task implies the following in Covalent

  • If the node has already started executing i.e the executor has already started running the electron’s code, kill the job (SIGKILL/SIGTERM)
  • If Covalent is yet to start processing a node, abort and do not attempt to process it
  • If a node’s function, args and kwargs are not pickled, do not pickle them and abort immediately
  • If the required compute resources for the node have not yet been provisioned, do not provision them and abort immediately
  • If Covalent has not instantiated the executor, do not instantiate an instance and abort immediately


Canceling a task in Covalent is treated as a hard abort and instructs Covalent to abandon processing the task any further

To support aborting a task prior to any of the above stages Covalent needs to check whether the task has been requested to be canceled. When a cancelation request arrives, Covalent asynchronously updates its database records corresponding to that particular task by labeling it with cancel_requested=True. This is a boolean flag tracked by Covalent for all tasks and it defaults to False for each node in the lattice.

Covalent's logic for executing the task has now been updated to check this flag prior to proceeding with any of the aforementioned steps.


Executor plugin developers can also make use of this flag prior to attempting to execute their various steps such as uploading pickled object to remote object stores, provisioning compute resources, executing the task etc. At any point in time when an executor finds that the cancel_requested flag has been set to True for the task at hand, it can raise a TaskCancelledError exception which Covalent then handles properly to abort processing the task any further.


If an executor plugin needs to support task cancelation, it then must override the cancel method provided in the base executor class

The cancel method provided in the base executor class has the following function signature

def cancel(self, task_metadata: Dict, job_handle: str):

From the above function signature it can be seen that the metadata associated with a task (dispatch_id and node_id) and its corresponding job handle are provided as inputs to the cancel method. The executor plugin developer can then make uses of these inputs to implement the necessary logic and backend specific API calls to properly cancel the running task.

For a walk through guide on canceling workflows and individual tasks in a workflow, please refer to our how to guides here