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Deploying on AWS

Deploy Covalent in an AWS account with any x86-based EC2 instance. Deploying on AWS Cloud enables you to scale your deployments based on compute needs.

As with the Docker image, with each stable release we include a ready-to-use Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is fully configured to start a Covalent server on instance boot.

To run Covalent on AWS, do the following:


Have your AWS account information ready, including: azaszrfdrfdfr454rrfe432r The AWS subnet ID The ID of the security group you want to use * Your EC2 authentication key-pair name


1. Query AWS Marketplace for the AMI ID. You can query directly from the console or via the aws cli command line tool. For example, the following CLI command queries details about the AMI released for version covalent==0.202.0:

aws ec2 describe-images --owners Agnostiq --filter "Name=tag:Version,Values=0.202.0"


To get the current stable image of Covalent, use stable instead of latest.

2. Once you have the AMI ID, launch an EC2 instance.

You can launch an EC2 instance as follows:

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id <ami-id> --instance-type <instance-type> --subnet-id <subnet-id> -security-group-ids <security-group-id> --key-name <ec2-key-pair-name>



is the AMI ID you queried in the previous step.


is the EC2 instance type.


is the AWS subnet ID.


is the ID of the EC2 security group you want to assign to the instance.


is the name of the key pair you use to authenticate to EC2.

For more complicated deployments, infrastructure-as-code tools such as AWS CloudFormation and Terraform are available.