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Source code for covalent._results_manager.result

# Copyright 2021 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (the "License").
# A copy of the License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License. Any
# modifications or derivative works of this file must retain this copyright
# notice, and modified files must contain a notice indicating that they have
# been altered from the originals.
# Covalent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details.
# Relief from the License may be granted by purchasing a commercial license.

"""Result object."""
import os
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Set, Union

from .._shared_files import logger
from .._shared_files.config import get_config
from .._shared_files.context_managers import active_lattice_manager
from .._shared_files.defaults import prefix_separator, sublattice_prefix
from .._shared_files.util_classes import RESULT_STATUS, Status
from .._workflow.lattice import Lattice
from .._workflow.transport import TransportableObject

from .._shared_files.util_classes import Status

app_log = logger.app_log
log_stack_info = logger.log_stack_info

class Result:
Result class to store and perform operations on the result obtained from a dispatch.

lattice: "Lattice" object which was dispatched.
results_dir: Directory where the result will be stored.
It'll be in the format of "<results_dir>/<dispatch_id>/".
dispatch_id: Dispatch id assigned to this dispatch.
root_dispatch_id: Dispatch id of the root lattice in a hierarchy of sublattice workflows.
status: Status of the result. It'll be one of the following:
- Result.NEW_OBJ: When it is a new result object.
- Result.COMPLETED: When processing of all the nodes has completed successfully.
- Result.RUNNING: When some node executions are in process.
- Result.FAILED: When one or more node executions have failed.
- Result.CANCELLED: When the dispatch was cancelled.
result: Final result of the dispatch, i.e whatever the "Lattice" was returning as a function.
inputs: Inputs sent to the "Lattice" function for dispatching.
error: Error due to which the execution failed.

save_result: Save the result object to the passed results directory or to self.results_dir by default.
get_all_node_outputs: Return all the outputs of all the node executions.


def __init__(self, lattice: Lattice, dispatch_id: str = "") -> None:
self._start_time = None
self._end_time = None

self._results_dir = os.environ.get("COVALENT_DATA_DIR") or get_config(

self._lattice = lattice
self._dispatch_id = dispatch_id

self._root_dispatch_id = dispatch_id
self._electron_id = None

self._status = Result.NEW_OBJ
self._task_failed = False
self._task_cancelled = False

self._result = TransportableObject(None)

self._num_nodes = -1

self._inputs = {"args": [], "kwargs": {}}
if lattice.args:
self._inputs["args"] = lattice.args
if lattice.kwargs:
self._inputs["kwargs"] = lattice.kwargs

self._error = None

def __str__(self):
"""String representation of the result object"""

arg_str_repr = [e.object_string for e in self.inputs["args"]]
kwarg_str_repr = {key: value.object_string for key, value in self.inputs["kwargs"].items()}

show_result_str = f"""
Lattice Result
status: {self._status}
result: {self.result}
input args: {arg_str_repr}
input kwargs: {kwarg_str_repr}
error: {self.error}

start_time: {self.start_time}
end_time: {self.end_time}

results_dir: {self.results_dir}
dispatch_id: {self.dispatch_id}

Node Outputs

node_outputs = self.get_all_node_outputs()
for k, v in node_outputs.items():
show_result_str += f"{k}: {TransportableObject.make_transportable(v).object_string}\n"

return show_result_str

def start_time(self) -> datetime:
Start time of processing the dispatch.

return self._start_time

def end_time(self) -> datetime:
End time of processing the dispatch.

return self._end_time

def results_dir(self) -> str:
Results directory used to save this result object.

return self._results_dir

def lattice(self) -> Lattice:
"Lattice" object which was dispatched.

return self._lattice

def dispatch_id(self) -> str:
Dispatch id of current dispatch.

return self._dispatch_id

def root_dispatch_id(self) -> str:
Dispatch id of the root dispatch

return self._root_dispatch_id

def status(self) -> Status:
Status of current dispatch.

return self._status

def encoded_result(self) -> TransportableObject:
Encoded final result of current dispatch
return self._result

def result(self) -> Union[int, float, list, dict]:
Final result of current dispatch.

return self._result.get_deserialized()

def inputs(self) -> dict:
Inputs sent to the "Lattice" function for dispatching.

return self._inputs

def error(self) -> str:
Error due to which the dispatch failed.

return self._error

def _initialize_nodes(self) -> None:
Initialize the nodes of the transport graph with a blank result.
This is called after `self.lattice.transport_graph` has been deserialized.



self._num_nodes = self.lattice.transport_graph.get_internal_graph_copy().number_of_nodes()
for node_id in range(self._num_nodes):

def get_node_result(self, node_id: int) -> dict:
"""Return the result of a particular node.

node_id: The node id.

node_result: The result of the node containing below in a dictionary format:
- node_id: The node id.
- node_name: The name of the node.
- start_time: The start time of the node execution.
- end_time: The end time of the node execution.
- status: The status of the node execution.
- output: The output of the node unless error occured in which case None.
- error: The error of the node if occured else None.
- sublattice_result: The result of the sublattice if any.
- stdout: The stdout of the node execution.
- stderr: The stderr of the node execution.

return {
"node_id": node_id,
"node_name": self._get_node_name(node_id),
"start_time": self.lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "start_time"),
"end_time": self.lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "end_time"),
"status": self._get_node_status(node_id),
"output": self._get_node_output(node_id),
"error": self.lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "error"),
"sublattice_result": self.lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(
node_id, "sublattice_result"
"stdout": self.lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "stdout"),
"stderr": self.lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "stderr"),

def get_all_node_outputs(self) -> dict:
Return output of every node execution.


node_outputs: A dictionary containing the output of every node execution.

all_node_outputs = {}
for node_id in self._lattice.transport_graph._graph.nodes:
] = self._get_node_output(node_id=node_id)
return all_node_outputs

def get_all_node_results(self) -> List[Dict]:
Get all the node results.


node_results: A list of dictionaries containing the result of every node execution.
return [
for node_id in self._lattice.transport_graph._graph.nodes

def post_process(self):
# Copied from server-side _post_process()
node_outputs = self.get_all_node_outputs()
ordered_node_outputs = []
for i, item in enumerate(node_outputs.items()):
key, val = item
if not key.startswith(prefix_separator) or key.startswith(sublattice_prefix):
ordered_node_outputs.append((i, val))

lattice = self._lattice

with active_lattice_manager.claim(lattice):
lattice.post_processing = True
lattice.electron_outputs = ordered_node_outputs
args = [arg.get_deserialized() for arg in lattice.args]
kwargs = {k: v.get_deserialized() for k, v in lattice.kwargs.items()}
workflow_function = lattice.workflow_function.get_deserialized()
result = workflow_function(*args, **kwargs)
lattice.post_processing = False
return result

def _get_node_name(self, node_id: int) -> str:
Returns the name of the node with given node id.

node_id: The node id.

The name of said node.

return self._lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "name")

def _get_node_status(self, node_id: int) -> "Status":
Returns the status of a node.

node_id: The node id.

The status of said node.
return self._lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "status")

def _get_node_output(self, node_id: int) -> Any:
Return the output of a node.

node_id: The node id.

The output of said node. Will return None if error occured in execution.
return self._lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "output")

def _get_node_error(self, node_id: int) -> Union[None, str]:
Return the error of a node.

node_id: The node id.

The error of said node. Will return None if no error occured in execution.
return self._lattice.transport_graph.get_node_value(node_id, "error")

def _get_failed_nodes(self) -> List[int]:
Get the node_id of each failed task
return [
(i, self._get_node_name(i))
for i in range(self._num_nodes)
if self._get_node_status(i) == Result.FAILED

def _update_node(
node_id: int,
node_name: str = None,
start_time: "datetime" = None,
end_time: "datetime" = None,
status: "Status" = None,
output: Any = None,
error: Exception = None,
sub_dispatch_id: str = None,
sublattice_result: "Result" = None,
stdout: str = None,
stderr: str = None,
) -> None:
Update the node result in the transport graph.
Called after any change in node's execution state.

node_id: The node id.
node_name: The name of the node.
start_time: The start time of the node execution.
end_time: The end time of the node execution.
status: The status of the node execution.
output: The output of the node unless error occured in which case None.
error: The error of the node if occured else None.
sublattice_result: The result of the sublattice if any.
stdout: The stdout of the node execution.
stderr: The stderr of the node execution.


app_log.debug("Inside update node")

if node_name is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "name", node_name)

if start_time is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "start_time", start_time)

if end_time is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "end_time", end_time)

if status is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "status", status)

if output is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "output", output)

if error is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "error", error)

if sub_dispatch_id is not None:
node_id, "sub_dispatch_id", sub_dispatch_id

if sublattice_result is not None:
node_id, "sublattice_result", sublattice_result

if stdout is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "stdout", stdout)

if stderr is not None:
self.lattice.transport_graph.set_node_value(node_id, "stderr", stderr)

app_log.debug("Inside update node - SUCCESS")

def _convert_to_electron_result(self) -> Any:
Convert the result object to an electron's result.


result: The final output of the dispatch.

return self._result

def _filter_cova_decorators(function_string: str, cova_imports: Set[str]) -> str:
Given a string representing a function, comment out any Covalent-related decorators.

function_string: A string representation of a workflow function.

The function string with Covalent-related decorators commented out.

has_cova_decorator = False
in_decorator = 0
function_lines = function_string.split("\n")
for i in range(len(function_lines)):
line = function_lines[i].strip()
if in_decorator > 0:
function_lines[i] = f"# {function_lines[i]}"
in_decorator += line.count("(")
in_decorator -= line.count(")")
elif line.startswith("@"):
decorator_name = line.split("@")[1].split(".")[0].split("(")[0]
if decorator_name in cova_imports:
function_lines[i] = f"# {function_lines[i]}"
has_cova_decorator = True
in_decorator += line.count("(")
in_decorator -= line.count(")")

return "\n".join(function_lines) if has_cova_decorator else function_string