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Source code for covalent._workflow.lepton

# Copyright 2021 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (the "License").
# A copy of the License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License. Any
# modifications or derivative works of this file must retain this copyright
# notice, and modified files must contain a notice indicating that they have
# been altered from the originals.
# Covalent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details.
# Relief from the License may be granted by purchasing a commercial license.

"""Language translation module for Electron objects."""

from builtins import list
from dataclasses import asdict
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Optional, Union

from .._file_transfer.enums import Order
from .._file_transfer.file_transfer import FileTransfer
from .._shared_files import logger
from .._shared_files.defaults import DefaultMetadataValues
from .depsbash import DepsBash
from .depscall import RESERVED_RETVAL_KEY__FILES, DepsCall
from .depspip import DepsPip
from .electron import Electron
from .transport import encode_metadata

if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from ..executor import BaseExecutor

DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES = asdict(DefaultMetadataValues())

app_log = logger.app_log
log_stack_info = logger.log_stack_info

# TODO: Review exceptions/errors

class Lepton(Electron):
A generalization of an Electron to languages other than Python.

Leptons inherit from Electrons, overloading the `function` attribute
with a wrapper function. Users specify the foreign function's signature
as well as its location by providing a library and entrypoint. When one
of the executors invokes the task's `function`, the foreign function
is called by way of the wrapper function defined here. If compilation
scripts are required, these must be separately copied to the backend.

language: Language in which the task specification is written.
library_name: Name of the library or module which specifies the function.
function_name: Name of the foreign function.
argtypes: List of tuples specifying data types and input/output properties.
executor: Alternative executor object to be used for lepton execution. If not passed, the dask
executor is used by default
files: An optional list of FileTransfer objects which copy files to/from remote or local filesystems.


_LANG_PY = ["Python", "python"]
_LANG_C = ["C", "c"]
_LANG_SHELL = ["bash", "shell"]

def __init__(
language: str = "python",
library_name: str = "",
function_name: str = "",
argtypes: Optional[List] = [],
command: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = "",
named_outputs: Optional[List[str]] = [],
display_name: Optional[str] = "",
executor: Union[
List[Union[str, "BaseExecutor"]], Union[str, "BaseExecutor"]
files: List[FileTransfer] = [],
deps_bash: Union[DepsBash, List, str] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["deps"].get("bash", []),
deps_pip: Union[DepsPip, list] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["deps"].get("pip", None),
call_before: Union[List[DepsCall], DepsCall] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["call_before"],
call_after: Union[List[DepsCall], DepsCall] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["call_after"],
) -> None:
self.language = language
self.library_name = library_name
self.function_name = function_name
# Types must be stored as strings, since not all type objects can be pickled
self.argtypes = [(arg[0].__name__, arg[1]) for arg in argtypes]
self.command = command
self.named_outputs = named_outputs
self.display_name = display_name

if self.language in Lepton._SCRIPTING_LANGUAGES:
if self.command and self.library_name:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid argument combination: library_name and command. Use one or the other."

if not (self.command or self.library_name):
raise ValueError("Specify either library_name or command using this language.")
if command:
raise ValueError(
f"Keyword argument 'command' incompatible with language {self.language}."
if named_outputs:
raise ValueError(
f"Keyword argument 'named_outputs' incompatible with language {self.language}."

if self.library_name and not self.function_name:
raise ValueError("Must specify function_name when calling a library.")

# Syncing behavior of file transfer with an electron
internal_call_before_deps = []
internal_call_after_deps = []

for file_transfer in files:
_file_transfer_pre_hook_, _file_transfer_call_dep_ = file_transfer.cp()

# pre-file transfer hook to create any necessary temporary files

if file_transfer.order == Order.AFTER:

# Copied from
deps = {}

if isinstance(deps_bash, DepsBash):
deps["bash"] = deps_bash
if isinstance(deps_bash, list) or isinstance(deps_bash, str):
deps["bash"] = DepsBash(commands=deps_bash)

if isinstance(deps_pip, DepsPip):
deps["pip"] = deps_pip
if isinstance(deps_pip, list):
deps["pip"] = DepsPip(packages=deps_pip)

if isinstance(call_before, DepsCall):
call_before = [call_before]

if isinstance(call_after, DepsCall):
call_after = [call_after]

call_before = internal_call_before_deps + call_before
call_after = internal_call_after_deps + call_after

# Leptons do not currently support retval_keyword(s) from DepsCall
for cd in call_after + call_before:
return_value_keyword = cd.retval_keyword
if return_value_keyword in [RESERVED_RETVAL_KEY__FILES]:
cd.retval_keyword = None
elif return_value_keyword:
raise Exception(
"DepsCall retval_keyword(s) are not currently supported for Leptons, please remove the retval_keyword arg from DepsCall for the workflow to be constructed successfully."

# Should be synced with electron
constraints = {
"executor": executor,
"deps": deps,
"call_before": call_before,
"call_after": call_after,

constraints = encode_metadata(constraints)

# Assign the wrapper below as the task's callable function

# Assign metadata
for k, v in constraints.items():
super().set_metadata(k, v)

def wrap_task(self) -> Callable:
"""Return a lepton wrapper function."""

def python_wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Any:
"""Call a Python function specified in some other module."""

import importlib

module = importlib.import_module(self.library_name)
except ModuleNotFoundError:
app_log.warning(f"Could not import the module '{self.library_name}'.")

func = getattr(module, self.function_name)
except AttributeError:
f"Could not find the function '{self.function_name}' in '{self.library_name}'."

# Foreign function invoked
return func(*args, **kwargs)

def c_wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Any:
"""Call a C function specified in a shared library."""

import ctypes

if kwargs:
raise ValueError(
f"Keyword arguments {kwargs} are not supported when calling {self.function}."

handle = ctypes.CDLL(self.library_name)
except OSError:
app_log.warning(f"Could not open '{self.library_name}'.")

# Format the variable type translation
entrypoint = self.function_name
types = []
for t in self.argtypes:
if t[0].startswith("LP_"): # This is a pointer
types.append(ctypes.POINTER(getattr(ctypes, t[0][3:])))
types.append(getattr(ctypes, t[0]))
attrs = [a[1] for a in self.argtypes]
handle[entrypoint].argtypes = types
handle[entrypoint].restype = None

# Translate the variables
c_func_args = []
for idx, t in enumerate(types):
arg = args[idx] if attrs[idx] != Lepton.OUTPUT else None

# 1. The user specifies a scalar (non-subscriptable)
# and this variable returns data. It is transformed
# to a pointer and passed by address.
if (
attrs[idx] != Lepton.INPUT
and not hasattr(arg, "__getitem__")
and types[idx].__name__.startswith("LP_")
if arg:
# The variable is used for input and output
# The variable is used for output only

# 2. The user specifies an array (subscriptable)
elif hasattr(arg, "__getitem__") and types[idx].__name__.startswith("LP_"):
c_func_args.append((types[idx]._type_ * len(arg))(*arg))

# 3. Arg passed by value
elif attrs[idx] == self.INPUT:

raise ValueError("An invalid type was specified.")

# Foreign function invoked

# Format the return values
return_vals = []
for idx, arg in enumerate(c_func_args):
if attrs[idx] == self.INPUT:

# 1. Convert pointers to scalars
if hasattr(arg, "contents"):

# 2. This is a subscriptable object
elif hasattr(arg, "__getitem__"):
return_vals.append([x.value for x in arg])

# If we end up here, the previous if/else block needs improving
raise ValueError("An invalid return type was encountered.")

if not return_vals:
return None
elif len(return_vals) == 1:
return return_vals[0]
return tuple(return_vals)

def shell_wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Any:
"""Invoke a shell function or script."""

import builtins
import subprocess

mutated_kwargs = ""
for k, v in kwargs.items():
mutated_kwargs += f"export {k}={v} && "

attrs = [a[1] for a in self.argtypes]
num_input_outputs = attrs.count(Lepton.INPUT_OUTPUT)
num_outputs = attrs.count(Lepton.OUTPUT)

if (num_input_outputs + num_outputs) != len(self.named_outputs):
raise Exception(
"Expecting {} named outputs.".format(num_input_outputs + num_outputs)

if num_input_outputs != len(kwargs):
raise Exception("Expecting {} keyword arguments.".format(num_input_outputs))

output_string = ""
if self.named_outputs:
for output in self.named_outputs:
output_string += f" && echo COVALENT-LEPTON-OUTPUT-{output}: ${output}"

if self.command:
if isinstance(self.command, list):
self.command = " && ".join(self.command)
self.command = self.command.format(**kwargs)
cmd = ["/bin/bash", "-c", f"{mutated_kwargs} {self.command} {output_string}", "_"]
cmd += args
proc =, capture_output=True)
elif self.library_name:
mutated_args = ""
for arg in args:
mutated_args += f'"{arg}" '

cmd = f"{mutated_kwargs} source {self.library_name} && {self.function_name} {mutated_args} {output_string}"
proc =["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd], capture_output=True)
raise AttributeError(
"Shell task does not have enough information to run."
) # pragma: no cover

if proc.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(proc.stderr.decode("utf-8").strip())

return_vals = []
if self.named_outputs:
output_lines = proc.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n")
for idx, output in enumerate(self.named_outputs):
output_marker = f"COVALENT-LEPTON-OUTPUT-{output}: "
for line in output_lines:
if output_marker in line:
# TODO: For some reason cannot pickle this line
return_vals += [
getattr(builtins, self.argtypes[idx][0])(

if return_vals:
return tuple(return_vals) if len(return_vals) > 1 else return_vals[0]
return None

if self.language in Lepton._LANG_PY:
wrapper = python_wrapper
elif self.language in Lepton._LANG_C:
wrapper = c_wrapper
elif self.language in Lepton._LANG_SHELL:
wrapper = shell_wrapper
raise ValueError(f"Language '{self.language}' is not supported.")

# Attribute translation
wrapper.__name__ = self.display_name or self.function_name or self.command
wrapper.__qualname__ = (
if self.display_name
else f"Lepton.{self.library_name.split('.')[0]}.{self.function_name}"
wrapper.__module__ += (
if (self.language in Lepton._SCRIPTING_LANGUAGES and self.command)
else f".{self.library_name.split('.')[0]}"
wrapper.__doc__ = (
f"""Lepton interface for {self.language} function '{self.function_name}'."""
if self.function_name
else ""

return wrapper

def bash(
_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
display_name: Optional[str] = "",
executor: Optional[
Union[List[Union[str, "BaseExecutor"]], Union[str, "BaseExecutor"]]
files: List[FileTransfer] = [],
deps_bash: Union[DepsBash, List, str] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["deps"].get("bash", []),
deps_pip: Union[DepsPip, list] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["deps"].get("pip", None),
call_before: Union[List[DepsCall], DepsCall] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["call_before"],
call_after: Union[List[DepsCall], DepsCall] = DEFAULT_METADATA_VALUES["call_after"],
) -> Callable:
"""Bash decorator which wraps a Python function as a Bash Lepton."""

deps = {}

if isinstance(deps_bash, DepsBash):
deps["bash"] = deps_bash
if isinstance(deps_bash, list) or isinstance(deps_bash, str):
deps["bash"] = DepsBash(commands=deps_bash)

if isinstance(deps_pip, DepsPip):
deps["pip"] = deps_pip
if isinstance(deps_pip, list):
deps["pip"] = DepsPip(packages=deps_pip)

if isinstance(call_before, DepsCall):
call_before = [call_before]

if isinstance(call_after, DepsCall):
call_after = [call_after]

def decorator_bash_lepton(func=None):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
arg_dict = dict(zip(func.__code__.co_varnames[: func.__code__.co_argcount], args))
lepton_object = Lepton(
command=func(*args, **kwargs),
return lepton_object()

return wrapper

if _func is None:
return decorator_bash_lepton
return decorator_bash_lepton(_func)