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Source code for covalent._file_transfer.file

# Copyright 2021 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (the "License").
# A copy of the License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License. Any
# modifications or derivative works of this file must retain this copyright
# notice, and modified files must contain a notice indicating that they have
# been altered from the originals.
# Covalent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details.
# Relief from the License may be granted by purchasing a commercial license.

import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from furl import furl

from .enums import FileSchemes, FileTransferStrategyTypes, SchemeToStrategyMap

class File:
File class to store components of provided URI including scheme (s3://, file://, ect.) determine if the file is remote,
and acts a facade to facilitate filesystem operations.

filepath: File path corresponding to the file.
is_remote: Flag determining if file is remote (override). Default is resolved automatically from file scheme.
is_dir: Flag determining if file is a directory (override). Default is determined if file uri contains trailing slash.
include_folder: Flag that determines if the folder should be included in the file transfer, if False only contents of folder are transfered.

_is_remote = False
_is_dir = False
_include_folder = False

def __init__(
filepath: Optional[str] = None,
is_remote: bool = False,
is_dir: bool = False,
include_folder: bool = False,
if not isinstance(filepath, str) and filepath is not None:
raise AttributeError(
"Only strings are valid filepaths for a covalent File constructor."
) = str(uuid.uuid4())

# assign default filepath of form /tmp/{id}
if filepath is None:
filepath = self.get_temp_filepath()

# override is_remote boolean
if is_remote:
self._is_remote = True

if is_dir:
self._is_dir = True

if include_folder:
self._include_folder = True

self.scheme = File.resolve_scheme(filepath)
self._path_object = File.get_path_obj(filepath)
self.uri = File.get_uri(self.scheme, filepath)

def is_temp_file(self):
return self.filepath == self.get_temp_filepath()

def get_temp_filepath(self):
return f"/tmp/{}"

def is_remote(self):
return self._is_remote or self.scheme in [

def mapped_strategy_type(self) -> FileTransferStrategyTypes:
return SchemeToStrategyMap[self.scheme.value]

def filepath(self) -> str:
path_obj = self._path_object
if not self._include_folder and self.is_dir:
path_obj = path_obj / "/"
filepath = str(path_obj)
if self._include_folder:
filepath = filepath.rstrip("/")
return filepath

def is_dir(self):
return self._is_dir or self._path_object.isdir

def touch(self):

def get_path_obj(path: str):
path_components = furl(path)
path_components.scheme = None
return path_components.path

def get_uri(scheme: str, path: str) -> str:
path_components = furl(path)
path_components.scheme = scheme
return path_components.url

def resolve_scheme(path: str) -> FileSchemes:
scheme = furl(path).scheme
if scheme == FileSchemes.Globus:
return FileSchemes.Globus
if scheme == FileSchemes.S3:
return FileSchemes.S3
if scheme == FileSchemes.FTP:
return FileSchemes.FTP
if scheme == FileSchemes.HTTP:
return FileSchemes.HTTP
if scheme == FileSchemes.HTTPS:
return FileSchemes.HTTPS
if scheme is None or scheme == FileSchemes.File:
return FileSchemes.File
raise ValueError(f"Provided File scheme ({scheme}) is not supported.")